Ever since bullet journals became popular, I've wanted to try it for myself. I'm a huge lover of organization and planning, and I think bullet journaling combines the two perfectly. I did my research and ordered some supplies offline that showed up at my doorstep in a few days (thanks, Amazon Prime!). Since I've never had a great track record with keeping journals, diaries, and the like, I figured I could share my bullet journal journey with you guys! By filling you in here and there with a blog post and sharing bits and pieces of it with pictures is a great way for me to stay on top of it. Read more about how I started my bullet journal below because right now, the score's looking like Bullet Journal 1, Bryn 0.

When I was researching different ways to make your bullet journal, I was on the fence about some things, like the index and calendars. I didn't think the index would be useful, but when I actually started making mine, I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea. I did, though, decide to go the nontraditional route and leave out the monthly and yearly calendar portions. My planner is still useful to me, so I tried to figure out how I could keep using my planner and bullet journal at the same time. Thus, I decided to keep the work schedules for my planner and more lifestyle things for the journal.

Towards the back of my journal, I dedicated several pages where I could organize my finances. I never really organized them before (oops), but when I did the Disney College Program last fall, keeping track of my finances and breaking down my paychecks really helped. And since I am technically an adult and supporting myself now, keeping track of my finances has become super important! Yay for personal milestones!
I also added a wishlist, because a girl can dream, right? I think putting all the things that I'm interested in buying in one place is more organized than keeping them all in multiple notes on my phone. I thought it would be cute to fill in the hearts if I ever do purchase something off the list!
And here is where I think it starts to fall apart. I got so excited about starting my bullet journal that I made some mistakes (you can see on the left where I miscounted the lines). I didn't expect mine to be perfect when I first made it--who am I kidding, I kind of did. After looking at dozens of pictures of beautifully crafted and organized journals, you'd think you would obtain those skills through osmosis or something. I'm joking, but I was secretly hoping some shining skills would come through. Alas, not much did, but it's only the beginning of this journey.
I hope the more I work on this journal, the better it'll be. I'm certain I'll be experimenting with a lot of different styles and formats in the near future until I find what fits me best. I foresee a trip to Target or Michael's to pick up some craft supplies to add to this beautiful mess! Let me know if you're bullet journaling too, and if you have any tips, help a sister out!
Quote of the day: "Stay positive."
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