1. GLAMGLOW || POWERMUD™ Dualcleanse Treatment: 4/5 stars
This is a mask designed to detoxify, deeply clean, and soften. After a long day at work, I decided to use this, and wow, did this work. After applying, the mud mask dries and then turns into an oil when you rinse it off with warm water. My face felt super clean and definitely a bit softer, which was great because it had been dry for the past week now. The only downside is that I wish the bottle was a bit bigger because I love this mask so much.
2. Avène || Hydrance Optimale Hydrating Cream RICH: 5/5 stars
This cream is as supernourishing as it says it is! Like I said earlier, my face has been drying out in places recently (the downside to Fall, I must admit), and I feel like I would put all this moisturizer on my face, just to have my skin keep drying out, even after exfoliating! This product came into my life and saved the day. It's thicker than most face moisturizers I've used, so you know it's fo' real.
3. This Works || deep sleep pillow spray: 5/5 stars
This was one of the products I was very excited about. My boyfriend tends to snore when he sleeps, which keeps me up most nights. We've tried a handful of remedies but we're not always successful. This spray has a strong smell, although it's very calming. I think I overdid it when I sprayed my pillow a dozen times, oops. But it really works! I slept soundly for the first night in a while.
4. Oribe || Gold Lust Dry Shampoo: 5/5 stars
Damn, Oribe, back at it again with the great products! You know how with most dry shampoos, no matter how far away you spray it, your hair still turns that ugly gray and it feels like it takes forever to brush out? That doesn't happen with Oribe's. I even tried, and it honestly takes a lot of spraying to get this to turn your hair gray, so that's a huge plus for me. And it smells ahh-mazing--best smelling dry shampoo I've ever used.
5. MAKE || Silk Cream Lipstick - Magnolia: 3/5 stars
I was so excited for this lipstick because I thought the color was beautiful and I'm always excited to try out new lip products. However, I was sad when I opened up my box to see that it was in a very small container that you could barely call travel-sized. The lipstick was definitely silky and creamy when I applied it, and it has great coverage. During the day, I did notice that it wore off, so I had to reapply, but it did kind of tint my lips a little so at least the color stayed a little longer!
Overall, I would give this month's Birchbox 4/5 stars. Even though I wasn't blown away by this box as I have been with boxes in the past, I do really like each and every product that came in this one.
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Quote of the day: "Live not to find yourself, but to create yourself."
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