Saturday, December 31, 2016

Ten New Year's Resolutions We Can All Agree On

Guess who climbed her way out of her busy, anxiety-riddled, and most recently sick hole?  This girl!  I figured since I haven't posted in about a week that I should muster up some creativity and post one more blog before the end of 2016.

With 2017 around the corner, everyone's getting together their lists of resolutions (if you're into that kind of stuff).  I've never been one to be dedicated to making resolutions because I'm honest with myself and I know I'll just forget about them come February.  BUT! I have compiled a list of New Year's resolutions that you just have to admit are very true. Number 4, though....

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Seven Lessons You Learn From Your Dad

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Today is my dad's birthday, and just like how I made a post about the things you learn from your mom, here's a list of what you learn from your dad.  I've been lucky enough to inherit my wit, my stellar taste in music, and love for social events from my dad, but during my 22 years, he's given me more than that! Here are seven things that you learn from your good ol' Pops!

Monday, December 19, 2016

Stocking Stuffers Under $10

Some people are so sure of what to get someone for Christmas, but get stuck when it comes to stuffing their stocking with gifts.  To me, it's the other way around.  I have great ideas for what to put in stockings, but draw a blank when it comes to buying presents for family and friends for Christmas.  No one wants a sad, empty stocking, so I've found loads of things you can put in anyone's stocking this Christmas!

Friday, December 16, 2016

Friday Faves

So Christmas is a little over a week away? And I haven't bought my Christmas gifts yet? Guess I know what I'm doing this weekend! Everyone and everything is in full on Christmas mode (we'd even gotten snow in Portland!) and I love it.  Everyone is spreading that good ol' Christmas cheer and I can't help but feel all warm and bubbly and happy inside.  I've been enjoying reading all these great holiday posts this week, so I had to share my favorites with you!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Seven Things You Know Are True If You Look Younger Than You Are

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I've been #blessed with the fact that I look way young for my age.  It's more of a curse right now than it is a blessing, but I'll be grateful for it later... or so I've been told.  And if you're short AND look young, well then, I am sorry for you.  I'm in the same boat, and we'll just have to struggle with our plights together.  I have a feeling that I'll be well into my thirties and people will mistake me for a friend's younger sister who begged and whined enough to get invited out for a girls' night.  If you do look young for your age, you know that the following things are so true for all of us.

Monday, December 12, 2016

My Portland Bucketlist

photo cred: Brian (Thanks for letting me use your pic, bae!)
Having lived in Portland for five months already, I realized there is still a lot of this city to explore.  It's not the biggest city in the country, but it's the biggest one I've ever lived in!  I thought that once I moved here, I would explore as much as I could as soon as I could, but time gets away from you and then you're sitting there thinking, "Oh, wow, I still haven't checked this place out or tried this one restaurant, and when am I going to have the time to do all this now?!"  Even if you've lived somewhere all your life, it's nice to take some time to be a tourist in your own town, and now it's my turn to see what the City of Roses has to offer.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Routines, Routines, Routines

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The lovely Kimberley did an AM/PM tag a couple weeks ago, and I thought it was such a cute idea that I wanted to do it for myself! These kinds of posts are super simple if you're in a bind to write another blog post, and they're just a fun type of post to do overall. If you end up filling this one out for yourself, let me know so I can read your results!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

My December Wishlist

Now that the holidays are coming up, I've been thinking of what I'm really wanting or needing lately.  At first I thought my Christmas wishlist would be short, but the more I thought about it, I was like, "Nope! This is definitely more than a 'few things'!" So as of right now, here is what's currently at the top of my wishlist.

Monday, December 5, 2016

November Monthly Crushes

I know, I know, I'm late to post this. But if you read my post yesterday, you'll know that I've been busy this past month and feeling pretty lazy.  Whoops, sorry.  Just because I've been feeling tired and worn down does not mean that I've forgotten about my crushes for the month of November! It's quite a mix of stuff, so I would check it out.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

The Wine Chronicles - Sunday Recap

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Hello lovely people, it has been too long! November has flown by so quickly and I’ve had so much on my plate that it’s been hard to keep up with this blog! Working, wanting to being lazy, never ending to-do lists, and ignoring things on said to-do list… it all really tires you out. I feel like I have a lot to talk about so I’ll give you guys a quick recap of my week.

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